Wednesday 25 September 2013

Micromax and Aircel sign pact

Micromax airtel sign pact
Micromax and Aircel have joined their hands to drive data growth and mobile phone sales.This pact is win-win for both the companies and is likely to boost their revenues.

Sankara Narayanan K, Strategic Business Unit Head, Aircel, said
What we are essentially doing is leveraging on each other’s strengths. Micromax phones will come bundled with an Aircel SIM and we will start carrying their products across our retail stores.This alliance is exclusive to the whole range of Micromax and Aircel products.
And also the consumers who will opt for this offer will enjoy heavy concession in data rates. Smartphone userswill get 2GB data for free per month. Not only this the tariff rates will also be reduced to 1 paisa per 2 seconds for local calls and 1 paisa per second for STD calls. This offer will be valid for three months.

Co-founder, Micromax, Vikas Jain, said
We are very happy to partner with Aircel, as this partnership will be an excellent amalgamation of Aircel’s innovative offerings in the market place and superior hardware capabilities of Micromax, which will enable millions of consumers in India to enjoy seamless connectivity through affordable call rates, data usage and internet TV on Micromax devices.
The mobile internet users are expected to grow by 4-5 times by 2020. Hence such alliance will be very beneficial for both the corporations. Micromax is already selling 20.3 lakhs smartphones in one quarter will be able to further boost the sales. Affordable smart devices and cheap data rates is all what users want.

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