Saturday 7 April 2012

What is operating system?

Operating system is a set of sofware programs that controls overall operations of computer.
It provides interface between the user and computer system.
It controls flow of information from various parts to computer and vice-versa. Operating system integrates various peripheral devices of the computer system. It handles memory,CPU,disk and manages input/output devices,also it controls the execution of application program. Simply operating system provides the routine which enables a user to effectively use a computer system.

Need of operating system:
why operating system is necessory?
The computer is data processing machine.
It accepts data and instructions and performs given task according to instructions. To perform all these functions,there must be a co-ordination between all the peripheral devices of the system.
Computer hardware by itself is not capable of communicating to user directly. It needs some communication channel i.e. Interface between user and computer system. The operating system is necessary for these Reasons.

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