Saturday 28 April 2012

How to create rain effect in photoshop

Step 1:
          Open a picture you wanted to add a rain effect or you can use the one provided.
          Next, duplicate the background layer (CTRL+J) by either dragging the layer
          To the  “Create a New Layer” button at the bottom of the layers pallet OR
          Going to Layer  > Duplicate Layer…(this requires you to click “OK”).


         Here’s the fun part! On your “background layer copy” go to Image > Image Adjustments >
         Curves…(CTRL+M) and make your setting something like this Or you can play around
         with them to get the desired effect you want.This gives the image  that “dark rainy day”

Step 2:
          The Rain Effect
          Next step, the rain! Create a new layer (Shift+CTRL+N) by clicking the “Create
          a New Layer” button as before, OR go to Layer > New > Layer…name it “Rain”
          and fill that layer with White (CTRL+Backspace).Head up to Filter > Noise >
         Add Noise… and your settings should be close to this:

Step 3 & 4:
                  Then head over to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur… and the setting should be close to this:

                    Now you need to head on over and adjust the levels.
                    (CTRL+L) Go to Image > Image Adjustments > Levels… and my settings are:


                      But you can make them however you want.

Step 5:
           Last step!! Go to the top of your layers pallet and change the mode to “Screen” and Voila!
          You have a rainy day!

Final Result:


          BEFORE >>>>>>>>>>>>

<<<<<<<<<< AFTER




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