Sunday 29 April 2012

Tasks & work of Operating system

Operating system performs following tasks:
Memory Management:
Here memory refers to the random access memory(RAM).
It is main memory of the computer system.While performing particular task,operating system retrieves the required data from disk and loads it into the memory. But before that it checks whether sufficient memory is available or not, if available it loads the data. Once the execution of job is over,operating system transfers the data back to disk.

CPU Management:
Operating system helps the CPU to schedule it's activities,so as to meed demands of various parts of CPU and computer system itself.

Disk management:
Operating system helps to store files on disk,also it retrieves files as required.

I/O device Management:
Computer system consist of number of peripherals keyboard,printer,monitor etc. Operating system checks all these peripherals. Actually these devices communicate with computer which is supervised by operating system.
Simply all the peripherals working together to form complete computer system because of operating system.

User interface:
Computer hardware understand only the language of 0's and 1's. The instructions or commands given by user are translated into machine language and computer response is translated into English like language with the help of operating system.

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