Friday 20 April 2012

Uses of computer Computer Applications

Man have invented many electronic devices but Computer is most powerful and versatile device.
Earlier computers were used for scientific and engineering computations. But now 75% of work done by computer is of non-computational type.
Today computers are used in many ways. The have strenguhened man's power in different fields.

Modern computers have certain important characteristics and ability as:
1. It can store large amount of information.
Modern hard disk have capacity of 500GB TO 1TB data storage.

2. It has decision making ability.

3. It perform complex and repetitive calculation with high speed and accuracy.

4. It performs different task automatically.

5. It can print texts,can plot graphs,draw diagrams,make presemtations by using MS-OFFICE.

6. It can converse with user through input devices.

7. The computer can perform all those functions that human being can do,to a certain extent but with very high speed and accuracy.

8. Computer causes the industrial revolution. It helps in automation of number of industrial systems.
The softwares like Computer Aided Design(CAD) and Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM) are becoming very popular among industrial establishments as well as in project managements.

9. Computers are extensively used in sending and receiving informations. The information transfer is possible with the help of computer network.
Intenet is the fastest and easy medium of communication which connect your computer with world wide computer network and allows you to share information with the whole world by creating website on internet and get any information through internet.

10. Using text processing software pakages like MS-Office, it becomes very easy to prepare text doccuments. The text can be easily edited and printed.
In business and commercial organisation,computers are used to perform accounting and financial work,as well as to store and sort important doccuments. Because of storing ability,computers have become applicable in libraries,hospitals,police department,medicals,shopping market and other similar establishments.

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