Thursday 9 February 2012

Tips for safe and secure web browsing on internet

if you use internet daily here are the tips for your secure web browsing and your pc security

1. Use "https:// when you log in on a website

2. Don't forget to "logout" when you have completed your work

3. Lock your computer when you don't use it

4. You may Disconnect the internet connection when you don't need it

5. When you send one email to more than one person use B.C.C(Blind Carbon Copy) it hides the names of other recepients and shows only your email id to each receipient

6. While using Social Networks:
Don't share your personal information in your profiles like. Address.
Use privacy settings to protect your account.

7. Always clear cookies after browsing. Because mostly hackers use this cookies to hack your account
cookies is the personal information that may be collected in the browser while you are using it.Like your ip address,domain,time of visits,your saved email-passwords
Types of cookies:
1. Session Cookies: it store the information when you are using browser. When you close the browser information will be erased
2. Persistent cookies:This Cookies
are stored on your
computer so that
your personal
preferencescan be retained. By using this your browser can remember your email id,passwords

8. keep updated version of web browser to get better security options

9. Don't use same password for different accounts

10. Clear history always after using your browser

11. Use updated Antivirus,firewall,spyware security to protect your computer

12. Don't use "Remember me on this computer" option on public computers when you sign in on a website.

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