Monday 27 February 2012

Concept of Internet:

What Is Internet?
Internet Consist of all the hardware infrastructure that connects all of the many thaousands of computer
together and provides the backbone of the internet. Internet allow to share the Data from other networked
An Internet Is a
Large Computer Network
Made of number of smaller networks. This network
connects all computers
world wide.

What is Website?
Websites are essentially Collection of Special type of file known as "Web Page". This pages are constructed according to a standard that allow any "Web Browser" to be able to interpret and present the information contained within.
The information contained can be simple text or text with Images or text with Videos, Sound Clips. The most powerfull feature of web page file is ability to embed "Links" are contained within text, images or element of web page. If effectively direct the browser to load another web page. The web pages are addressed using standard addressing system.

Search Engines:
It is a special type of website that guides the users of internet to find websites or information. Search Engines Give results in which links are given by clicking on it the user is redirected to website related to keyword that user enter for search. Use of Search Engine is best way to find information on internet. There are catagories also to search like webs, images, News etc.
World's No. 1 Search Engine:

It is an Application which is used to view the world wide web contents and retrieve and display copies of files in an easy to read format. Modern Browsers are so fast and easy to use. They have capacity to play Audio & Video files.
For Ex. Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera etc.

The proper name of web page address is known as "URL" which stands for "Uniform Resource Locator".

A referrence or link when clicked, will automatically transfer the Internet user to another web page or website on Internet.

A computer or it's software that serve other computers on a network by administering files and network operations.

Networking several computers together allows Datda to be transmitted from one machine to another in easy manner Data streams. The sharing of data allow many of the resourses that are located on a single machine to effectively become available to all other machines on network.

The information stored on a computer is in "Digital Language". When we send it via internet, the Modem converts it into "Analog Language" and sends to another user. When this information receive to that user Modem again converts it from Analog to Digital language.

Standard Addressing Systems:
1.Web Addressing System
For Ex.

http: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
www.: World Wide Web. Domain Name.
.com: Domain Code

2. E-Mail Addressing System
For Ex.

aashu4u178: Username Domain Name.
.com: Domain Code

Video Conferencing:
You can chat with peoples around the world using internet. Talking a step from that technology is the relatively new world of video conferencing and chat which perhaps unsurprisingly allow you to see and hear person with whom you are conferencing.
It is expencive facillity. It requires a special digital camera in order to take the pictures of yourself which will be send to take other part. It is knowns as "Web Cam". It also requires a special application to run camera in conjuction with the internet communication. This application is known as "Instant Messenger"
For Ex. GTalk, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger etc.

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