Saturday 4 May 2013

Voice Commands for Google Glass, Release date & Price in India

Hello friends,
I have already published the feature of Google Glass.
Google Glass is not still available for user to buy. I hope that Google will launch it in India next year 2014. The expected price of Google Glass in India is above 60,000/-. Here I am writing few voice commands that can be used in Google Glass.

For Recording Video:
“OK Glass, Record A Video.“
For Searching:
“OK Glass, Google [desiring query].“

For Starting Google+:
“OK Glass, Hangout With [desiring circle/person].“

For Taking Picture:
“OK Glass, Take A Picture.“

For Searching Photos:
“OK Glass, Google Photos Of [desiring query].“

For Translating:
“OK Glass, Say [phrase] In [desired language].“

For Finding Directions:
“OK Glass, Give Directions To [desiring query].“

For Using ‘Google Now’: “OK Glass, [query].

“ For Sending Message: “OK Glass, Send A Message To “[desiring name].“

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