Saturday 31 December 2011

Related Post with Thumbonails widget/Gadget for your Blogger/Wordpress Blog

Happy New Year 2012 to all
Today when I am surfing on internet. I have got a website here you can get related post widget with thumbonails.
I am also using it on my blog.
It's a good widget for bloggers to keep their visitors busy on their blog.

To get this widget just follow the steps below.
1. Go to
Fill the following information
*Service Provider: Select the hosting serive like Blogger,Wordpress
*Blog Url: enter your blogg web address
*Width: Choose no of post you want in widget
Now click to "Get Widget and then click on "Install widget"

If you are Blogger user then:
Login to your account and add the widget and just drag it below the posts and save changes.
When visitors visits to your blog post, they will see this related post widget below each post

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