Saturday 10 September 2011

What is Social Network?

Social Network:
This websites are specially designed for entertainment. Here you can make new friends and share your photos, your opinions. You can stay connected with thausands peoples on your profile. Send messages to your friends, chat with your dear one and more. So join today and Enjoy!

Some Popular Social Networks:

Electronic Mail(Email):
The internet is most often used for send and receive e-mails. You can send e-mail fast to anybody in the world by using e-mail services. E-mail is a special type of File. This File transfer using the Internet. ICP/IP protocol as the medium of communication. The E-mail is send from PC to special remote e-mail server over the internet to other e-mail servers using a standard adressing system.
E-mail normally contains text message but files can also be attached to e-mail and send together with doccument as an attachment. All e-mail contains essential information about the e-mail transfer process in the e-mail "Header". This information records the destination and sender address as well as other information concering the timing route taken by e-mail.

Some Free E-Mail Services:

Create new e-mail account:
To create new e-mail account just go to and then click to "Sign Up". Now, feed your information in the form and finally click to "I accept create my account". Now enter your Mobile number and submit it. Enter the verification code and click to verify. Your gmail account is ready click to "Show me my account" and start using it

To open your account go to and enter your gmail id and password then click to "Sign In". After completing your work to close your account safely click to "Sign Out".
Note: Dont click on "Remember me on this computer" before sign in. If you are using public computers. If you use this option and sign in, your email id and password will be remeber on that computer.

Check received emails and send emails to given email id:
To check your received emails click to "Inbox". To read one email click to the emails subject. To send email to given email address click to "Compose" then fill following information.
To: Write email id of receipient
Subject: Subject of sending email.
Message Box: Write ynur message in this box. You can format your matter by using formating bar and attach files also. After that click to "Send". You can attach Ms-world, Ms-Excel,Ms-Powerpoint,Audio Files,Images and all types of files with email. When you receive file with email, click to "Download". Add your Signiture to "Settings" which automatically send with each email. and here you can change your password also.

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