Saturday 10 September 2011

Generations Of Computer

What is Computer?

Computer is an Electronic device which is basically used for Data Processing. Computer takes input and Process it to give output.

Generations Of Computer

1. First Generation(1951-59):
Vacuum Tubes:
In this Generation Vacuum Tubes were used as their principle component. They could store 10,000 To 20,000 Characters. They Use the Magnetic Core Memory.
For Ex.. ENIAC the first Electronic computer had 10,000 Vacuum Tubes.

2. Second Generation(1959-64):
In this Generation the Vacuum Tubes were replaced by Transistors. The concept Of the Multi Programming was introduced in this Generation.
For Ex. IBM 1401 (International Business Machine)

3. Third Generation(1964-70):
Integrated Circuits:
Third Generation introduced Integrated Circuits(IC) the equivalent of hundreds and thousands of Transistors on a small Silicon Chip. This reduced the cost and size of Computers. This technology produced powerful microcomputers. Silicon is basic metal to make Computer Chips. Computer consist of many chips placed on a electronic boards called as the “Printed Circuit Boards.”

4. fourth Generation(1970 Above):
The microprocessor brought the fourth generation of computer, as thousands of integrated circuits on a small silicon chip. The Magnetic Core Memory was replaced by Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) Memories.

5. Fifth Generation:
Artificial Intelligence:
Fifth Generation of Computer based on Artificial Intelligence, are still in development. This is the branch of computer science. There are some applications of Artificial Intelligence Like Playing Games, Robotics etc.

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