Saturday 10 September 2011

Compuetr Hardware Information

Computer Hardware Information

• Central Processing Unit (CPU):
The Component of the computer system that performs Processing Function is called “Central Processing Unit”. The CPU is known as the “Brain Of Computer”. It is composed of following main components:

1. Control Unit:
The control unit is in charge of the activities of the CPU. It doesnot process or store data itself, but instructs various parts of computer in performing their tasks. The instructions given by the user to the computer are instructed by control unit which then sends our signals to circuit within the CPU to execute these instructions.

2. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU):
It performs the Mathematical Operations such as Addition,
Subtraction & any logical operations. A logical operation is performed by instructing the computer to make a comparison and then to take an action based on the result of that comparison. The Arithmetic logical operations are only types of instructions that the ALU is able to execute.

• Primary Storage Unit
The Primary Storage Unit (also referred as main memory,
Primary Memory or Internal Storage) temporarily results of Processing. It consists he many storage locations. Each locations has a unique address associated with it. This address allows the computer to locate items that have been stored in memory.

• Peripheral Devices:
Peripheral devices are divided into two categories

1. Input Devices:
Programs and Data that are entered into the computer to be
Processed are called input. The word data refers to facts that have been collected but not organized in any meaningful way. When data is processed or converted to some meaningful form, the result is the information. Input devices are used to enter data into computer so that it can be processed. There are input devices like Keyboard, Mouse etc.

2. Output Devices:
Output Devices, such as Monitor Screen and Printer allow the
User to examine the computers output or processing results. Displaying output on the screen, gives the result to the user in convenient readable form this output is referred as “Soft Copy”
However, these results are lost as soon as something else replaces them on the screen. Printing the result on the paper however, gives the user a way of permanently saving this information this output is called “Hard Copy”.

• Secondary Storage Unit:
Computer Have only a limited amount of storage space in the Primary memory storage unit because this type of memory is expensive to provide. Programs, Information, Data that need to be saved for later use can be transferred to secondary storage (also known as Auxiliary Storage) Disk and Tape Devices are commonly used. When computer need to process it they transferred back into the primary memory.
For Ex. Hard Disk, Compact Disks (CD), Digital Versatile Disk (DVD), Pen Drives etc.

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