Friday 22 February 2013

BlackBerry Will Withdraw from South Korea

BlackBerry will withdraw from South Korea
BlackBerry will withdraw from South Korea
BlackBerry will withdraw from South Korea - Reporting from The Next Web, Monday (02/18/2013), Yonhap said that sales of BlackBerry in South Korea is very weak. This will make the BlackBerry retreat from the market in early 2013. Samsung, Apple and LG have mastered the South Korean market.

Competition is happening in the Korean market is very strong. Last year HTC closed his office in Korea at July 2012. BlackBerry only play with one operator, SK Telecom. Perhaps this is one of the causes of failure of the BlackBerry. "We will continue to provide BlackBerry services and after sales support to BlackBerry customers in Korea, whether consumers or business users," said the company.

BlackBerry said that it is still discussing with operators to launch new products, Z10. But there has been no decision from the two companies.

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