Saturday 10 November 2012

Car Charger is a necessity

If you are like me, you will find that it is important to have a car charger for your smartphone. Since I'm using the iPhone, I bought one that is compatible for the iDevices. 

the car charger plug into my car...

upclose the car charger...

The brand is iGo. I realize that there isn't any original accessories by Apple but those that are partners of Apple only. The one that I had was quite good although I missed my previous ones that could be used to play musics in my iPhone as well. 

Nevertheless, I'm happy with the car charger that I'm using at the moment. 

It is important to have the car charger as the iPhone battery drains out very fast whenever I used the Papago GPS. It helps me to have my iPhone fully charged even when I go for event until about late midnight. I do not have to worry about going to places that I'm not familiar with as I have my iPhone to guide me as well. (save the money of buying an external charger and GPS).

So if you have yet to buy any accessories for your smartphone, whether it is the iPhone or the Samsung families or the HTC X series, you should consider car charger, because it will be the one that you use most...

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