Sunday 18 March 2012

Time to Change the "Money Concept"

Money concept a bane to the world:
I feel that money concept is the root cause of all the problems. "Money makes many things" - yes of course money makes problems too. Human created money concept after the barter system. Barter system refers to getting commodity by giving commodity.  Example: We can get sugar by giving salt. This system is changed to money system. We get commodity by providing money. This concept was diseased human brain. Each and every human moving towards money. They forget "what is love". Every one were confused what we are doing. Many humans around the world suffers without basic needs such as food, shelter and cloth. There is no one to care them. This money concept made humans to forget the humans who are suffering. This money concept divided humans into three categories such as high class, middle class and the poor. So this is the best time to change with any other alternative methods.

Problems in Money Concept:
Stress: IT revolution has grown well in India. Youths were working hard with sleepless nights. They are destructing their body and mind. All this happens because they need earn a huge bucks. Everything in this world depends on money. There is no place for affection.

Reasons for stress:
  • Need to save your family.
  • Future fear.
  • Fear of money loss.
  • Stress regarding education.
There are several reason for stress. But for every reason money seems to be the major cause. Why we need money then the answer is MONEY CONCEPT.

We earn money in order to live a peaceful life. But where is the peace? Money makes to forget everything. Money lead majority of humans in wrong way. I can prove that except new born babies all are suffering from stress.

Education: Indians were well know for education. But now education standard is decreasing all because of money concept. We have IIT'ans in India but till now we didn't find a man like Aryabhata. Aryabhata found the number '0' without zero there couldn't be any digital device in this world. Most of the colleges admit students by their donations not by the knowledge. Students learn for marks and they use mark as weapon to earn more money. There are only few countable number of students who learn for knowledge and invent some new things. Students forget that they learn to invent new miracles but this money concept changes the student mind.

Colleges, Schools were opened only for business purpose not to produce great Scholars. Now we can find many coaching centers and tuition centers all because of this money concept.

Poor Inventions: Scientist were forced to invent things that have more money value. I am not blaming the scientist. If they invent some things that doesn't reduces human burden then it is useless. So it is mandatory for a scientist to invent things that have greater money value.

Just think about the inventions that made in ancient days. Indian invented the extraction of Zinc. It is very tuff task to extract Zinc and no one in the world invented it. Only Indians invented the Zinc extraction process that too in ancient days. Think about the mega structures that present in India such as Taj Mahal, Meenakshi amman temple and lots of forts. Many predictions were made by astronomers without use of telescope. Indians found that there are 9 planets in solar system without using any optical instruments.

Where this inventions gone? This Money concept has eaten all this great inventions.

Discrimination: Discrimination is the biggest problem prevailing in this world. Some people has more than 10 villas and on the other end people with no home to live. Some spends Rs:1000  for a single meal and the other end with not even a penny to eat. Discrimination is major thing that made me to think "Money Concept" is unsuccessful.

Money Concept made to forget humanism. It divided the humans by the name of caste, religion, rich and poor. War, fight, ego and all bad human concepts were generated due to this money concept. We are struggling daily in our life all because of this silly money concept. We forget the meaning of Love. We forget the motto of our life. We failed to lead a peaceful life. Totally Money Concept made a great confusion among the mankind.

So I propose that this is the best Time to Change the Money Concept. There must be a best solution to this. Guys please comment your opinions about the Money Concept and how it affected your life. Thanks to Stayfree Time to Change contest for proposing this topic.

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