Sunday 20 December 2009

Apple Iphone takeover...

Apple Iphone just 30 months.

If you are wondering what sort of takeover, it simply means that Apple Iphone is now taken over Microsoft Windows mobile operating system in terms of smartphone market in the US (this from metric firm comScore's latest measurement of operating systems actually in use by customers by sampling techniques, not overall device shipments or sales by wireless carriers.)

That is right. Windows can curse themselves for the stagnation although after existence for about a decade. Then there is Android. Google's slew of Android-based devices will ensure Microsoft won't have an easy time as customers shrug off the old and dusty for something new and shiny.

The question remains is will Microsoft survives in 2010? We have some people predicting the downfall of one of the strongest information industry based company. While some others are convinced with Windows Mobile 7 which is highly rated but a fall on the up and coming products might mean it is finished for Microsoft in the smartphone industry.

Well, it is indeed interesting to follow at the smartphone industry as we are seeing so much development at the moment. While Steve Ballmer might have insisted that Microsoft will continue to invest in this market, it will be interesting to see how the company is going to bring about a new change in their upcoming Windows Mobile 7. Let us anticipate that in year 2010 while we hope the companies will ponder on their mistakes and development in 2009.

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