Thursday 21 January 2010

Windows Mobile 7 to be shown in Mobile World Congress??

Now there might be a lot of people who rule out Microsoft from the smartphone industry. However, it is always dangerous and stupid to forget about the biggest company in the information industry. After all, this is Microsoft we are talking about.
Even as the economy slump, the company is still very strong financially and have we forgot about how Windows 7 makes the rest of the world stand in awe again of Microsoft. Well, the smartphone industry might not be as easy as the OS especially with iphone going to go better with their version 4 for sure.

Of course, there have been rumours about the delayed of the launching of Windows Mobile 7 with some saying that it could be too late to save Microsoft. Well, the latest rumour surrounding the hype of Windows Mobile 7 is that it could be shown and mentioned of during next month Mobile World Congress which begins on the 15th of February.

There have been new rumour which says that WM7 could come into 2 different version, with one for the BUSINESS EDITION and another MEDIA EDITION. The one that many would look forward to would be the ME as much changes have been said being made to make WM7 the next HiT to revive Microsoft in competing with Iphone, Blackberry and others.

The mobile OS may come with a variety of different features including an impressive mobile version of Office, online collaboration, high-definition video, Xbox Live, and streaming TV, according to WM Experts, a Windows Mobile news site.

It is said that it is likely that Microsoft would show off part of WINDOWS MOBILE 7 during the MWC this year. Well, it is definitely something that we should look for...after all, it is the competition that set a higher level for the smartphone industry.

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