Sunday 10 March 2013

Phewtick - Meet Up, Scan and Earn

Phewtick is a free app for iOS as well as Android OS and the main different between this app and most of the apps available in both the iOS and Android OS is this app allowed the users to earn money.

Phewtick - Phewtick is an app to record everyday meet-ups in a fun way

How does it work? Well, the current version has slight change of some rules, where you will need to have the meet up ticket in order to meet up and scan the QR code to earn the points which in turns can be converted to certain amount of cash. Previously, two meeting users are allowed to scan once each hour, which now change to every minute, provided you have the meet up tickets.

Home screen of Phewtick

Checking the current total points from time to time and the amount of money equivalent to the points

Getting the meet up tickets is not tough, register with Tapjoy and download the apps to earn the meet up tickets. Some apps are free, some requires registration while some requires the user to do certain task in order to get the meet up tickets. Phewtick also randomly give free meet up tickets daily, range from 1 to 9 - I never get 9 free meet up tickets before, although I have few friends who are getting while I just have an average of 2 free meet up tickets courtesy of Phewtick. Of course, with the free tickets, the points are lower but then again, it's still free money.

15000 points is enough to cash out, one can even cash out from as low as 9000 points

Confirming the request to cash out with the correct and verified PayPal email address

Is it a scam? I am not sure whether it is a scam or not, although many has been debating whether the deal is too good to be true. I cashed out few times, twice from 9000 points and thrice from 15000 points. The only drawback I found when wanting to cash out is the long lead time, 15 days after you requested for cashout and it only pays to the verified Paypal account. Currently there are option to cash out through Amazon, but I still prefer to get the money deposited to my Paypal account.I'm still getting the money out of it, so I would not label the apps and the company as scam. We will see in another six to twelve months later to see how the company is doing before we can conclude anything.

For those who are questioning on how the company is making money, I would think that the business model will be through advertisement - in which Tapjoy is coming in. I can see that there are advertisement below the Phewtick screen everytime I scan with friends, although I believe it only happens to the iOS devices, whereas on an Android OS device, I never see any advertisement before. There are other business model for the company to generate profit, but I don't think the company is doing it at the moment.

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