Thursday 20 December 2012

Development in Computers

1. 1938: Konrad zuse. built the world's first binary digital computer.
named as ZI.
2. 1948: Claude shannon identified the "bit" as the fundamental unit of data and the basic unit of computation.
3. 1955: The first fully transistorised computer TRAGIC developed.
4. 1958: Jack kilby created the first integrated circuit.
5. 1960: COBOL designed for business use.
6. 1964: BASIC created.
7. 1965: PEP-8 , the first commercially successful mini computer developed.
8. 1973: Ethernet method of network connection devised.
9. 1984: Apple computer developed the Macintosh the first successful mouse driven computer.
10. 1989: Virtual reality , a computer generated 3-D environment developed.
11. 1993: Intel introduce "Pentium " processor.
12. 2000: Microsoft unveil windows 2000. and Intel announces Pentium processor4.
Microsoft unveils it's. C# (C-Sharp) language.

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