Saturday 12 May 2012

Internet - The Freedom of Indian girls

It was a fine morning. I am just half waked. Some voices reached my ear. It was nothing but a tv news something like  "a girl raped in Gujarat" to which my father was listening. I opened my eyes slowly and shocked to see its just 10 AM. Yeah, Its my school annual holidays. I don't have any fun other than sleeping. Because of I was not allowed outside my home door as I am a girl from southern Tamilnadu. Its Tamilnadu and girls who attained age were not allowed out.  I just lied in bed thinking that what to do next. My mom shouts "enthiri d poi kuli (wake up and have bath)".

My Mom is good at cooking. My mom wants me to learn cooking. I completed my 12th standard and so there is only four years for my marriage. Every mom wants their daughter to learn cooking before marriage.  But I think I want to cook differently instead of same rice, sambar, chappathi etc. So I wont even try cooking even my mom shouts at me. I waked up and move towards dad. He said "which college you like to join next year?" I am unbiased, I said appa lets see. He had to reach office before 11AM and so he went out by saying bye to me and my mom.

Its 12:30PM, My brother asked money to my mom to watch movie in theater. He crossed me by saying akka bye. That time my heart was filled with grief. I moved towards mom and said "allow me to theater". She said "you are grown up girl and you should not go out". I started to cry.  Then I went to my bed.

My mom made me awake and showed me pen-drive. I asked "what is this". She said "it is internet". Then I was curious about it and I have seen such things in TV ad. I plugged it in my laptop. I was so curious as this is the first time I am using internet. I asked "where you got this"? She said "I got it from Santhy aunty". I looked at my laptop I showed something like V-O-D-A-F-O-N-E. I just opened my browser and typed hi it displayed "About 4,250,000,000 results (0.38 seconds)". This built my curiosity even more. I requested my mom to buy one such USB stick. After two days I got my own Vodafone 3G USB stick.

Now I feel that I got freedom. Not only me, many girls like me might have enjoyed this freedom. After that I cooked my first dish by referring internet. My mom was happy about it. Slowly I came to know about social networking, blogging and this is how I joined Indiblogger too. We girls used to draw decorations called Koolam (tamil word) in front of our home during festivals, me and my mom gathered many designs by referring internet. I was stayed in touch with my friends and family by sharing our festival photos. Sometime we miss the TV serial shows and this Vodafone stick satisfy our need. This Vodafone USB 3G not only created fun but created a good relationship between me and my mom.

I love u mom.

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