Tuesday 29 June 2010

iphone 4

the new iphone 4

I have not really blog about iphone 4 despite of the hype and talks about the latest gadget by Apple. From ipod classic to ipod touch, and then the iphone generations and then the ipad...finally now the iphone 4....so far, all of these gadgets have been very popular and a lot of positive feedbacks given to them.

The iphone 4 has been designed in such a way that it is the world's thinnest smartphone at the moment. Well, apparently, Apple claimed that it has retina display....and if you think that it is too far-fetched, then you might have to argue with a lot of people who seem to be impressed by it. It also has the Apple A4 Processor....which makes it possible for multitasking and Facetime calls now....impressive enough??
Well, and Apple which has always been good in the touch screen era will boast about the improved gyro and accelerometer in the new iphone. Better motion gestures and greater precision...making gaming experience a joy and satisfaction!!

For those of you who are looking to buy iphone 4 from Malaysia, you might have to wait until August, September or even until the end of the year....hopefully, we won't have to wait too long to see the offer from Digi or Maxis...

Monday 21 June 2010

all the new phones out there but I'm sticking to my old one...

I know...there are so many new phones around...and all of them come with great features.
The temptation to buy one is too great but nevertheless, if you start to think with your brain, you will realize it doesn't worth the money.

I am still using my old HTC P3600i (trinity) and for those of you who have been bored of me telling how awesome my phone is, I want you to take your time and think about the advantage that the new iphone4 has that my HTC don't have.

First of all, iphone 4 is coming up with video call (finally, thank goodness!!) but my HTC P3600i has been able to go for video call for a long time. Of course, I must give credit to the Apple mega popular phone for having a nicer camera and video...HD apparently. Here is one area that my HTC is beaten flat. Talking about other ability....multitasking...it's something that is in HTC for quite a long time. And I could even do switchprogam (similar to our desktop Alt-Tab) with my HTC P3600i thanks to the Spb PocketPlus feature.

There is still a need for the usage of stylus and I must admit messaging is not as easy as iphone probably but if you are good at using stylus, it might be quite easy for messaging as well. Battery wise, HTC P3600i has one of the best and the only time I need to be charging it consistently is when I am using it to go online all the time. (But isn't that the same for all the other phones...)
Speed wise...yah...I know...I'm way behind the latest technology but what difference does that make? Don't tell me you are going to use your smartphone to do something important that requires a fantastically fast speed. I wouldn't boast about the speed of my HTC Trinity but it definitely is good enough for daily usage.

Social networking...there are plenty of applications out there...and I could go for Facebook and Twitter as easily as one could go for it using iphone. Well, I have my Office...probably not the new one but then, it works magic....and if I get myself an external keyboard, I could work on my articles and blogs easily using my smartphone.

So, why the need for a new phone? Well, the only reason could be the cool factor and I ain't gonna dump my money in for the sake of cool...there are so many other things that might be worth the money...maybe the new Xbox and Kinect? and don't forget about the new Nintendo DS...so think before you buy.

You might be buying yourself something better with the money you save from all the unnecessary ones...connection is important but let's use it wisely. Think before you buy the new phone...don't be tricked and manipulated by the hype all around the HTC Evo 4G and iphone 4.

Saturday 5 June 2010


Well, if you do not know about it, HTC EVO 4G is out and it is gaining a lot of popularity.
If you need any proof of these, the sales of HTC Evo 4G on its' release date is the proof of it. All of the devices disappear from the shelf in no time.
This is definitely good news for HTC and also Android....Google OS for mobile.

And there are a lot of people who opt for the HTC Evo 4G and chose not to wait for iphone 4G. Well, this is something that Apple must take note of.
Also, let's not forget about Microsoft.

Will Iphone 4G be able to attract the consumers like its' previous generation did? And can Microsoft be making a strong comeback with Windows Phone 7?

The sales definitely show that a lot of people are confident with Android platform and people love the high speed connectivity. A lot of people also know about the issues and problems Evo 4G has...the storage card bug issues and the battery issues. But knowing all these issues, people are still buying them.

It is hard to see if it's all just hype or is it because the Android phone is really that cooL??
We're all waiting to find out!!

Friday 4 June 2010

5 HTC Windows Phone 7 on the way?

Just when everyone is busy talking about Android and iphone, Windows is trying to play catch up with their latest Windows Phone 7.
Apparently, there will be 5 HTC phones running in Windows Phone 7 platform coming.

There is the HTC Gold_W (with the "W" indicating it's a CDMA + GSM world phone) headed for Sprint.
The HTC Schubert headed to Telus
HTC Mondrian for Telus and Rogers
The HTC Spark_W headed for Bell Mobility and Verizon
HTC Scorpio reaching Verizon and Bell.

There are not a lot of details on these phones at the moment but many are looking forward to see how Windows Phone 7 will develope. Although there have been a lot of criticism on these latest effort by Microsoft on mobile products, many are hoping that Steve Ballmer will finally get it right this time.

Will Windows Phone 7 help Microsoft fight back in the smartphone industry? That's something that we will be seeing at the end of the year....

Wednesday 2 June 2010

22 Inch LCD TV

With LCD TVs are getting cheaper each day, it is quite normal to have at least a minimum size of 22 inch lcd tv in the family room. Not only 22 inch LCD TV is affordable, but 22 inch LCD TV has decent viewing size which makes it more comfortable for the whole family to sit together and enjoy their favourite movie together.