Sunday 9 May 2010

the real competition in the mobile world

We have heard a lot about the iphone for the past few years. Of course, it is a normal scenario given the fact that Apple products have always manage to give us surprises and the WOW! factor.
But then just as the Apple Iphone seems to be without any competitor, we have the Droid phone coming out....Google of course is at the right track.
This then leave Microsoft helpless with their old, dull and boring Windows mobile 6.5. I mean...what the heck!! the upgrade was nothing much and people hate it.
It was then that the announcement of the Windows Phone 7 being made at the WMC, World Mobile Congress. Just as Windows 7 was a hit, the WP7 seems to be on the right track as well. The WOW! factor is back....and people are starting to talk about Microsoft getting serious in the smartphone industry.
Then it was not long after that we heard about Iphone 4G and people are starting to be amazed again...although I don't see too much a difference. (forget me for being bias here) and let us not forget about iPad...the name might be quite sissy but the sales that just hit 1 million is telling us a different story.
Well, the real competition in the mobile is beginning. We are seeing a lot of major changes.
The money that you pay for your smartphone will be worthy of its' values.
For those of you who think that 2010 is awesome with all these announcements, I can tell you, 2011 brings you even more excitement.

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