Tuesday 16 February 2010

The phone is not a PC

The phone is not a PC. That's official now that Microsoft has unveiled their next mobile phone platform, Windows Phone 7.
And using "the phone is not a PC" as the mantra, Microsoft seems to be sure that Windows Phone 7 would be a hit.
Apparently, the company is also certain that the "web browser" on the phone would be much more advance although no statement has been made regarding the version of desktop Internet Explorer it borrows the core components.
With Windows Mobile 7, you are seeing a totally different Windows mobile. No longer do we have the old and boring UI. But if you think it's just another make up for Microsoft, then you are wrong. With strong integration with Xbox live, Zune and social network as well, we are probably looking at the next mobile platform that will stand out. And if you are thinking that Microsoft is trying to create a competitor for Iphone, then you might only guess half of it. Microsoft is playing to win with Seven.

In the congress, this is how Windows Phone 7 series were introduced: "Phones kind of look like PC...and the phone is not a PC."

And Windows Phone 7 series is giving Apple and Google everything to be afraid of. From the beginning of the introduction of Windows 7, it has only been giving the "WOW" factor.

More updates on Windows Phone 7 series will be released here.

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