Saturday 12 October 2013

BlackBerry Pearl 3G 9100


The Pearl was by far the most overdue for a makeover this year; much of its design had been unchanged since 2006. To unveil the 3G, then, was a real breath of fresh air, and it shows in the design. Apart from being sleeker-looking -- we especially liked the wine red "gradient" of the Rogers model -- the new model finally excises the trackball from the BlackBerry line and makes the trackpad common on every device. It's not just much faster and more intuitive for browsing the web or thumbing through a large list; it's more reliable and puts an end to clogged and popped-out trackballs. The new Pearl Blackberry 9100 has a slimmer and more slick feel to it, in comparison to its virtual siblings. Its weight is only 3.3 ounce; the sides are made of rubber, subtle curves, and a smooth to the touch back. Blackberry 9100 has a great hand held feel. This phone is designed with the dimensions of 4.22 inches, 1.96 inches, and 0.52 inches to represent the length and width of its sides and its bulk respectively, hence it being so compact. The keypad along with other fixtures of the Pearl are a lot more snagged, than in prior models due to its compact design. This design makes the new BlackBerry Pearl 3G 9100 a very good contender in the BlackBerry model line. It has a light weight and small enough to easily fit in a pocket or pockets of a hand bag. The new Pearl 9100 Blackberry is the perfect instrument for sending and receiving emails. The roller ball of the previous Pearl, now gives way to the square touch pad of the Blackberry 9100 Pearl, which gives you the option, to adjust the sensitivity of the pad to a desired function. You can also toggle through software with a roll sound effect application if that is your choice. The navigational controls are not flat like some of the other models of BB, namely the BlackBerry Curve models. The keys highlighted as the send, and the menu keys are found on the left side of the phone and the back and end or power keys are found to the right sides of your Blackberry Pearl 9100. The navigation array is a miniature copy of the controls. The SureType keyboard is located below the navigation array. They are assigned two characters each making a total of twenty keys which are so designed in construction at a raised angle so you can dial by feel. The new Pearl BlackBerry 9100 resembles the previous pearl phones, but its bold icons, and its 2.26 inches display, is appropriate for proper use, and sets this phone apart from any other. You can personalize a lot of the phone’s setting for example the fonts used, the backlight, the menu and a host of others. The 9100 BlackBerry Pearl is fitted with external media keys on its top to allow control of the music player without having to access the phone’s menu. On the left side of the handset are a headset jack, a Micro USB jack, and a side key that can be personalized, and on the right side are a volume button, and another default undefined key. The Blackberry Pearl 3G’s compact 2.26 display is suitable for a variety of application. It boasts an array of dynamic graphics and text due to the 360×400 pixel resolution which supports the use of its thousands of colors. The Blackberry 9100 Pearl 3G is an icon drive. The icons can be quickly scrolled through by the optical track pad. At default, there can be twenty icons on the homescreen that does not need for the screen to be scrolled. The option is there however, to adjust this setting, if you are the type that likes to have immediate access to all your apps on the homescreen, and immense scrolling does not bother you. The BlackBerry OS 5.0 usability is similar to older models, so user of the BlackBerry series would have already been acquainted with its operations before. Removing icons from the home screen are a breeze, the menu button will give the options needed, and all you have to do is tap it to access them. If a new app is downloaded by a simply selection from the menu, you could move the app directly to the homescreen for easier access. If you apply the same processes to remove icon from the homescreen, you just need to access the menu and repeat the required process. The Pearl Blackberry 9100 is one of the best Blackberry phones in comparison to proto types before it, with a look and feel of finest and suave. Affordable for the student in college in need of a smart phone, but is quite frankly strapped for cash and or has a small budget. Pearl 9100 is suitable for all phone users, those who just want the use of a phone conventionally, and for a phone user that needs depth in software application use and usability. With its look, it is also quiet fashionable. The 9100 BlackBerry Pearl is the smart phone most suitable to fill the niches of the Smartphone market effectively. Now that we have familiarized ourselves with the Pearl BlackBerry Smartphone, I’ll now take you through the features and applications of Blackberry Pearl 3G to give you a better understanding of what RIM claims and offers, to better help you come to a conclusion on the value for money aspects of this hand held.



Price in USA $230

Price in UK £102

Price in EURO €170

Price in PAK Rs.25,500

Price in INDIA Rs.16,333

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