Friday 18 October 2013

Windows 8.1 is Officially Released!

Microsoft finally officially introduced Windows 8.1 which is a major update of the operating system Windows 8 is less successful . Windows 8.1 or which originally called Windows Blue brings various performance improvements and new features over Windows 8 .

For users who have been using the Windows 8 operating system , then simply do the update via Windows Update feature to get the Windows 8.1 update for free at no charge . While Windows 7 users have to buy Windows 8.1 to be able to use it .

Windows 8.1 news review
Windows 8.1 Interface

" If you are running Windows 8 , download 8.1 for Windows a new look , which brings to you on the experience for everything in your life . "

" And if you are in the market to buy a new device , Windows will present new devices will be on store shelves this holiday season : from affordable phone , 8 -inch tablet , and PC with touch screen for high-end devices , is the Windows for you , " said Terry Myerson , Executive VP at Microsoft Operating System .

Windows 8.1 comes with various new features are presented based on feedback from users of Windows 8 , call it a broader customization tile , the Start Screen background that can be replaced , the presence of the Start button , support for high-resolution screens and 3D printers , improved performance , and more .

As reported from TomsHardware ( 17/10/2013 ) , Windows 8.1 also comes with the Skype application installed in it and the presence of pride Microsoft's latest browser , ie Internet Explorer 11 . Windows 8.1 also includes support for on- screen keyboard better .

Windows 8.1 update also brings an update to Windows 8 native applications , you name it Calculator , Sound Recorder , Alarm , and much more . Curious ?  update your Windows 8 soon !

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