Wednesday 29 August 2012

Windows Phone 8 nearly complete

If you look at the history of Microsoft, they normally fail in the first and second attempt but their third will normally be an amazing break into the market. 

Well, the mobile world has not been so kind to Microsoft but with Windows Phone 8 nearly complete, there are high hopes for the number eight.
After the recent excitement over the completion of the Windows 8 operating system, Microsoft should have the smartphone version done in the next few weeks, with Nokia expected to announce new devices for a coordinated launch later in the year. 

Nokia has just launched a new video hinting that an upcoming Windows Phone 8 release date could be announced very soon. A press event with Microsoft is scheduled for Sept. 5, coming right in between the dates that competitors Apple and Samsung are expected to make some major unveils as well.

The video begins with a girl riding a bike while smiling and looking into a camera. Although it is not explicitly stated, the footage gives the feel that the video was taken with a cell phone camera. This could possibly be a plug for some new video and camera features that will be available with Microsoft's Windows Phone 8.

Toward the end of the video, the tagline "Things are about to change," appears with the Sept. 5 date display across the screen. The clip was posted on Nokia's YouTube account on Wednesday morning, essentially adding more credibility to the rumor that a release date for Windows Phone 8 will be announced next week.


Well, here is the video..

Are you excited already?? 

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