Saturday 7 July 2012

[App] Line Camera

It was not long before that I blogged about Line app as a better alternative to Whatsapp...well, back then I did not realize that NAVER Japan Corp has put in so much effort in this app...(for those who are not aware, it is the developer that develop the app for Line).

So, what kind of efforts am I talking about? It's the efforts to make LINE user experience to be complete by creating another app to complement with it, known as Line Camera...

Basically, the features are similar to the popular Instagram...and I dare say some of the features are even better...and all of that are made possible to be shared with your friends via LINE...I'm pretty outdated because the Line Camera is out for some time...

Below this pic, I'm trying out the's pretty cool...

I don't have the time to play with the app in detail yet but a big thumbs up to Line for this...whatsapp really is trailing far behind now...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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