Friday 3 June 2011

Xbox 360 consoles sold passed 55 millions

If you are a big fan of gaming console, you'll realize that Wii, PS3 and Microsoft Xbox 360 are the top contender...

But when I read about the news of 55 millions consoles of Xbox 360 sold in the United States, we have a clear really tempt me to buy it as well since my brother will be moving to his new house soon...all the more with Kinect...

But I guess now is not the right time...this is because I am just starting to work...I'll need to spend a lot on working attire...then I want to spend more on investment and studies in the coming years...

Haha!! Suddenly thought of blogging bout this while sitting in the car...anyway guess that's it for now...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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