Thursday 1 October 2009

Now what about iPhone? Is WindowsMobile out of the picture already?

So you've heard about it...the craze and hoo haa over the

Well, it might have been a while now since the launching of iPhone 3GS and many fanatics of Apple are talking about the cooL features in the new iPhone. I won't deny that....Apple is always the pioneer for cooL and excellent interface, be it for smartphones or for PC.
I remembered that just the other day, Addie told me that HTC launched the HTC Hero which is also very cooL! Now I don't have anything against cooL features but sometimes the word cool is not enough. We must look at how the usage could impact and be of usage to us.

Now who wouldn't be fascinated by the awesome look in iPhone.

Well, personally I'm not an iPhone user so it would be extremely unfair for me to critic one of the most popular smartphone in the market at the moment. But here's a piece of advice for those who are totally crazy about iPhone.

The first issue with the new iPhone: OVERHEATING!!

Some owners of the iPhone 3GS are finding their devices overheating, MacNN can confirm. Public accounts of problems originated in France, where one 16GB 3GS user has noted that his phone ran unusually hot during recent testing. The owner later discovered pink-tinged marks on the white backing of his device, roughly surrounding the location of the battery. A MacNN staffer has meanwhile encountered the problem independently, with discoloration noticeable on the back of a white 32GB unit. A PC World author, Melissa Perenson, claims to have experienced a more serious incident while playing The Oregon Trail. Though her 16GB black phone's backing did not change color, the device as a whole is said to have heated up dramatically, to the extent that placing it against her face would have been painful. The phone was plugged into a wall socket during use.

Now if this is not an important issue, what else could it be? Of course I believe there are people following up on such reports and the issue might be fixed within months.

But what about USAGE?

Now, overall, what you can do with your iPhone, it can also happened to another smartphone although interface wise, iPhone wins it all for sure.
But bluetooth....what about bluetooth....can you imagine a SMARTphone without Bluetooth to still be called smart? No is one weakness that will always haunt iPhone until they change it.

And who could imagine that iPhone will have issues with BATTERIES!!

Continued complaints by iPhone owners about fast-draining batteries have prompted Apple to ask some users to install power-logging software on their smartphones in an effort to diagnose the problem, according to messages on the company's support forum.
"Some of you may already have been informed via e-mail [by Apple], but for those of you that haven't, I can assure you that Apple is trying to get to the bottom of this problem," said a user identified as "mikefradette" Friday on a support thread dedicated to poor battery performance. "Let's just say they have selected a beta group to help solve this issue."

Now this is bad news!!

Others reported that technical support representatives had asked them to install Apple software that logs application usage and power consumption. Apple technical support has also used an 11-item questionnaire in its discussions with users in an attempt to figure out the cause of rapid battery drain, including questions about Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and e-mail use.

"There's still no smoking gun," said Aaron Vronko, the CEO of Rapid Repair, an iPhone repair shop. "But the processor in the iPhone 3GS can use 50% more power in some situations than its predecessor. I'd bet that Apple missed some key interactions between the iPhone's software and the processor in the last update that causes it to over-utilise the CPU, especially since [the complaints] came after the software update."

And what about MICROSOFT??

Now, regular readers of my blogs would realized that I personally prefer to use Microsoft. Of course, this bias opinion has everything to do with my admiration for the founder, Bill Gates. Despite the lack of touch functionality, it has been rather efficient.
Of course if I were to talk about the buggy softwares with Windows Mobile, there probably will be more than the iPhone issues here.
And lately, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer made a rather frank admission, not to the press of course, that Microsoft "screwed up with Windows Mobile." Is this bad news then??

Well, there is one thing that we all should know...Microsoft has the money to keep them alive in this battle. They also have the resources. Therefore, to say that WindowsMobile is out of the race would be a bit too early. And of course, there have been good news about Windows Mobile 7 and although Windows Mobile 6.5 has yet to be released, talk has been going on about WinMo 7 and hopefully, it will be good news.

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