Monday 3 August 2009

Tricks Become Soulmate

It seems difficult to imagine life without the presence of a friend on our side. Yes, without the presence of friends, the days you will feel empty and hollow. Thus, the relationship must be fostered friendship well. Do you already feel to be a sincere friend to your friend?
First, a sincere friend is a friend who is willing to listen to all kinds of stories and moan suspire friends. Be a good listener to your friends. If they need feedback, give an opinion without slowly be quasi smart.
Second, Study appreciate all kinds of differences in the nature of your friend. Remember everyone has a range of different personalities. Try to understand how your friend's character. If you experience a difference in opinion, settle the issue with the good. For, surely there is a problem all the way out.
Third, Look good faith that has been provided by your friends. Even if you never give away your important friend. Moreover, in the form of stigma. Many friends turned into the incident because the enemy has important friends of leaking confidential.
Fourth, make money friend always ready to provide support. If your friends make a mistake, be the first to encourage it. Need as much as possible if you do not blame them. Give your friend your friend's motivation that can rise from the error.
Fifth, Do not make your friend as you the great rivals. Eliminate feelings of envy over the success of your friend. Make sense of envy as a whip for you to do better. Then, do not forget to follow are happy with the success it has achieved.
Sixth., Never hesitate to apologize to the friend when you make a mistake on it. After that, try it you correct the errors. Similarly, vice versa, give pardon and forget your friend's fault if he is guilty.

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