Sunday 27 September 2009


The internet has been the source of entertainment, information as well as connection for the Y-Generation. In fact, it is almost impossible to have any young adults to be computer illiterate. Of course, all these contribute to the hot demand of new products to keep up with iPhone features such as the new Nokia N97.

Celcom is also offering more promotions for mobile phones like Blackberry Curve, N97 and others which normally requires a high usage of data plan.

Looking at the mobile phone trends, we can see how the demand goes towards CONNECTIVITY. Even Telco companies such as DiGi realized the importance of connectivity that they introduce DiGi Windows Live Messenger. The online community has been so established that people kept going for more. Another established online network can be seen through Facebook. The importance of keeping in touch seems to be enhanced with this network. Not to forget about the popular Twitter that also updates the latest news for superstars.

There are also the bloggers who consistently update their post, contributing to the crowded network.

Now of course, all these might be cool but the question that really should come out of this realization is how much effective and useful is all these connectivities. Is it really matter to be in CONNECTION constantly? Now that is something that we will attempt to answer in the long run....keep this post in mind while I post more on the latest features for WindowsMobile, Symbian OS as well as the iPhone. Of course, other gadgets that is interesting will also be mentioned but let this be a reminder for us as we continue this journey of CONNECTION. How important is all these?

You can connect but you can't move...what's the point!! Now, everything will change...

Imagine if you are in Paris, waiting for the countdown for the New Year celebration...
The atmosphere and the surroundings are cooL and you thought of showing it to your buddies back in Malaysia. But you know you will need to wait to get right back into your hotel before you post updates of photos in your Facebook, Twitter or even chat with your buddies on MSN.
But now that is of course something of the past.
In recent years, we have seen a new appeal and need for data connectivity with mobile phones. In fact, iPhone and AT&T in the USA are offering such fantastic deals for unlimited connectivity. Back in our hometown, we have Maxis offering a great deal to customers as well. And clearly, the battle is obvious between the three biggest telco company in Malaysia, Celcom, Maxis as well as Digi. Not forgetting the existence of P1WiMAx in Malaysia has also offered a more competitive market.

I am a user of Digi and thanks to DigiCampus, unlimited connection has been made possible with only RM30. Of course, the speed of connection ain't explosive but bearable. After all, it wouldn't make much difference since I'm using my HTC for connection, meaning simple update of status, checking of emails etc.

The world is changing and it is only a matter of time where connectivity will be even easier and faster. It might even come cheaper.
It was only a few days ago that MICROSOFT announced the new WindowsMobile 6.5 will be released by end of October but what is even more exciting for Mobile users is that the biggest and most successful company, Microsoft CEO Steve Balmer has continued to stress the willingness and participation of this company.
Rumours of the coming WindowsMobile 7 is even more exciting. With the fundings and capital that Microsoft has, it might not be long before WindowsMobile be on the challenge against Symbian OS and iPhone as well.

Credit must of course goes to these developers that continued to be innovative in their research.
The iTune offered by Apple that comes with so many applications for iPhone has caused Microsoft to attempt a similar effort although all of these has yet to be finalized. But it is really interesting to see how these companies will continue to develop in the next few years.